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I notice bullying

If you are witnessing a bullying incident:

In every case of bullying, apart from the two main aspects involved - the bullying child and the bullying child or children - there are almost always some children who play an extremely important role in the onset and development of bullying. These are children spectators, who can, with the attitude they take, reinforce or prevent the continuation of bullying.

If you are a student, and you find yourself in a position to watch an incident in which a child is targeted and experiences violence of any kind (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, online) and is threatened, embarrassed or hurt, you can:

  • do not laugh, applaud or otherwise react to the bullying of a child (at school or on the internet), who shows that what is happening is acceptable and normal. If you can prevent other children from doing so.

  • do not take photos or videos, thus continuing the bullying. If you can prevent other children from doing so.

  • If you feel comfortable, you can, together with your friends, approach the moment of bullying or after, the bullying child and offer him help.

  • If you feel comfortable, you can, together with your friends, approach a teacher you trust and discuss the incident with him / her, looking for ways to manage the situation together.

  • talk to your parents as well about how you could help the child being targeted.

  • anonymously, discuss with a psychologist from "The Child's Smile" on the National Telephone Line for Children SOS-1056 (by phone, mail or chat), what you and your classmates can do to stop these incidents.

Take a stand against bullying, immediately, the first time you understand it, before the incidents become many, intense and difficult to deal with!

All children have the right to feel safe and not to be endangered by any form of violence, it is up to us to defend the rights of children!





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Line and Chat for Bullying

24 hours daily, anonymously, free of charge


"Speak Now" campaign by "To Hamogelo tou Paidou" and YouSmile

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